How to make the perfect gallery wall

gallery wall, taisho, udon, hungry geisha, breakfast tables

(Inspiration on how to make a gallery - find the posters above here)

Step by step guide to putting together a gallery wall

A gallery wall can change your home completely and add a personal touch to your decor through motifs, that mean something to you. In the same time, it's a flexible solution where the overall expression can change depending on trends and finds. With the frames in your hand and the vision in your mind, "project gallery wall" might still seem confusing and chaotic - where does one begin?

We've gathered our best tips on how to succeed in creating the perfect gallery wall in your home. Get inspired and learn more about how a gallery wall can become part of the interior in your home.

How to do it

A gallery wall can become part of any room of your home - from nursery to living room - and add a touch of Scandinavia. The key word of the initial stage is edge, and it is here you decide if you want a more loose or aligned edge on your gallery wall.

Choosing a loose edge adds to the dynamic expression, because the edge of the frames aren't parallel but stick out. If you have too many vertical motifs, a loose edge will add a more "relaxed" expression.

An aligned edge makes the overall expression more tight because of the straight line of the frames. Measure the area where you want the prints and posters to be, in order to make sure that the frames fit and that they fill out the measured area.

types of gallery walls, taisho, loose edge, fixed edge

(Inspiration for a gallery wall with an aligned (fast kant) and a loose edge (løs kant) - find the posters in the picture above, here)

Constructing a gallery wall step by step

  1. Use the floor to arrange the frames. This gives you a chance to switch frames and motifs.
  2. Make sure you distribute different sizes of frames and the colours of the prints to ensure the balance of the overall expression.
  3. Loose edge: Start from the middle and work your way out. Aligned edge: Start in the corners and work your way inwards.
  4. Keep distance between the frames to achieve a balanced look. Some areas will have more air, which is okay if the rest has the same distance between them.
  5. Make sure you keep the same distance towards the floor and ceiling from the edge of the frames, so that it doesn't weigh down towards the floor.
  6. Break the square look by adding a mirror, a hanging plant, or a lamp.
  7. Use different kinds of frames: coloured, old, detailed, new etc.
  8. Mix motifs: graphic, drawings, new, old etc.

step by step guide, gallery wall, posters, poster wall, art wall, taisho

(Step by step guide to putting together a gallery wall)

Find posters for your gallery wall here.

1 comment

Hvad hvis man gerne vil have en billedvæg over sin sofa, hvor meget afstand skal der så være mellem sofaen og rammen?

Sarah January 27, 2021

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